
2011-10-13 1:42 am
Can you give me ten adj of horror story and also nouns pls

回答 (2)

2011-10-14 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here are some suggestions: intense, disagreeable, entertaining, dreadful, horrendous, horrifying, horrific, gruesome, unnerving, nerve-raking, nerve-wracking, unsettling, distressing, harrowing, shocking, appalling, astounding, daunting, chilling, disturbing, sickening, disconcerting, intimidating, teeth-chattering, petrifying, unhinging, stressful, startling, surprising, squirming, toe-curling ....

2011-10-13 16:16:20 補充:
The above are adjs and here are some nouns:terror, horror, fear, revulsion, abhorrence, abomination, alarm, antipathy, apprehension, aversion, awe, chiller, consternation, detestation, disgust, dislike, dismay, dread, fright, hate, hatred, loathing, monstrosity, panic, repugnance, terror,trepidation
參考: , thesaurus
2011-10-13 2:11 am
that's all i can think of
hope it can help you x)


參考: myself

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