is it true not all pedophiles are bad?

2011-10-11 7:56 pm
a friend was telling me that people get pedophiles and childmolesters mixed up all the time, that most pedos can go through life without ever hurting anyone.
i told him that sounded sketchy so he put it like this "to think that all pedophiles are childmolesters is like thinking all men that are attracted to women are rapists."

i never thought of it like that before

so is he right?

he's a psych student of 2 years and he makes a lot of sense

回答 (9)

2011-10-11 8:08 pm
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Makes sense to me, but I would rather play it safe and not leave any kids alone with them.
2011-10-12 2:59 am
They can live as pedophiles without being pederasts, but they're like ticking time bombs. There's always a serious danger that the pedo will molest a kid. I don't know if your friend is naive or is an apologist for pedophilia.
2011-10-12 2:58 am
I would think of it more like an alcoholic is always an alcoholic. But to BE an alcoholic you had to indulge in alcohol at some point in your life. So, how can a pedophile NOT be a child molester at least at one time?
參考: working on double major in human services/psychology
2011-10-12 3:00 am
All pedophiles are bad.

Some manage to not act on their urges, but you never know when one is going to decide to start.

Likening it to 'men who are attracted to women are rapists' misses the point that normal sexual relations between two consenting adults isn't illegal, and sex =/= rape unless one party is not consenting.

In the case of children, they are not old enough to consent.
2011-10-12 2:58 am
RIGHT.just because one is a pedophile doesnt mean he/she is a child molester unless commiting the act.
2013-12-31 12:54 pm
In my opinion, not all pedophiles are bad people as long as they never act upon children. However, those that DO take advantage of kids for their own desperate pleasure deserve to be thrown in jail for life.
2011-10-12 3:04 am
If they hadn't offended in any way and tried to better themselves, then I think it wouldn't be my place to judge them. But I can understand why people with children might feel they were unsafe.
2011-10-12 2:58 am
................................... don't know
2011-10-12 3:54 am
Is a man who wants to kill his wife but doesn't, a murderer? It is pointless to label them good or bad. If they are attracted to children but don't act on it are they still a pedophile?
The sexual urge is a tremendous one and very, very few would have the moral conviction to not "go after" a child and once they do, they don't stop.
How would you know if someone was a pedophile unless they told you they were? The way we usually find out is if the person is caught.

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