Is he into me? Opinions? Advice?

2011-10-11 7:48 pm
I've been texting this guy for the past month or so, every other day. We talk through text but not in school. He mostly texts me at night, at around 10-11 pm sometimes 11:30. I think he might flirt with me? BUT he has a girlfriend he says he loves loves her alot and wouldnt ever trade her for anything in the world. He texts me stuff like "I wanna hug you (:" , "Silly boy! sweet dreams d: with me ;D" , and once I asked him "What's up How are you? xD" and he replied, "Missing juuu o: " Is he into me? He has a girlfriend but idk it's confusing. I dont think hes gay or bisexual, I asked him once and he said he wasnt but that he was very open minded. Was he lying? Thank you for taking the time to read my dumb question. (:

回答 (3)

2011-10-11 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, hes not. That's only called flirting. Trust me. If he was asked between you and his gf, he'd pick his gf. Honey save yourself the heartache and dont bet on it. If he can do that then he must be doing it to some other woman aswell.. Chances are, If your were his gf now, he'd be texting the same thing he texts you to some other woman aswell. go find a true man.
2011-10-11 8:00 pm
2011-10-11 7:54 pm
he's just kidding around with u

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