Do you think there is life after death?

2011-10-11 2:17 pm

回答 (17)

2011-10-12 8:02 am
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I have firm belief in the concept of reincarnation.
2011-10-11 9:18 pm
I am waiting for at least one of the many millions and millions of people who have died to come back and tell me about it.
2011-10-11 9:18 pm
No, but you can have a good cigar after sex.
2011-10-11 9:19 pm
2011-10-11 9:19 pm
When Jesus resurrected from the dead He proved there's life after death.
2011-10-11 9:25 pm
2011-10-11 10:33 pm

And I live my life as if this is all there will be. I try to treat others with kindness.

I find the christian concept of heaven disturbing, because if they go to heaven, and their loved ones end up in hell, wouldn't they therefore spend eternity knowing their precious loved ones are being tortured for eternity? How could that possibly be heaven? That would be the worst kind of psychological torture there is, getting to heaven and finding out how many people you loved didn't make the cut.
2011-10-11 9:36 pm
Yes. There will be when Jesus returns.
2011-10-11 9:31 pm
I sure do! My mom and many friends have passed from this "temporary" to the "eternal" world.

Just like Mercy Me's songs says, "I can only imagine"
2011-10-11 9:26 pm
Yes. If there is no life after death, how can be so many books wrote about it? so many people say about it? And if you really want to proof yourself, then you can try to die now and you will know there is life after death.

One things we should remember, how can we know we have brain? Have you ever seen your brain? How can we know that the earth is round in shape? Have we ever go to outer space to witness the shape of earth?

There are many things we cannot prove ourselves. We believe because people said. Everything said by people may contain fact and errors. People do mistake always. However, there is truth within errors.

There are many near death experience testimonies which has proven the existence of life after death.
2011-10-11 9:26 pm
Only if you think that something imaginary can survive your dead brain. Umm, no. :I
2011-10-11 9:25 pm
Well, yes and no. The bible says that when we die we simply go back to the dust and cease to have any thoughts or feelings...however, that's not to say we'll never live again. There are also many scriptures describing when the dead will be resurrected, some to heaven, most to earthly life again after Armageddon cleans things up. The immortality of the soul thing actually came from Greek philosophy, not the bible. If that were a true thing, it would greatly cheapen the resurrection hope and there'd be no reason for Jesus having resurrected people when he was on earth. I have a good book on this if you want to read.
參考: Ecclesiastes 9:4-10, John 5: 28, 29
2011-10-11 9:23 pm
because what's the purpose of being good while your alive
and enduring the hardships in this life if your just gonna turn into dust someday.
then i'd commit suicide if there's none.
2011-10-11 9:23 pm

2011-10-11 9:22 pm
normally life comes before death.
2011-10-11 9:20 pm
yes I do but I dont know which one exactly Egyptians believed their afterlife is exactly the same as this one but better
judaism and christianity say heaven or hell
hindus say reincarnation

2011-10-11 9:20 pm

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