
2011-10-12 5:24 am
在美國出生外國人的孩子是否馬上成為美國公民? 還是只擁有居留權的美國人?

在其成長過程中所享有的福利, 如讀書津貼, 醫療及救濟金 ..., 是否一樣?

回答 (3)

2011-10-12 10:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes... There are talks about change this rule. But as far as I know, the child is US CITIZEN by Birth. He/she is born as US citizen.

The child is 美國人. He/she enjoys all the same rights as any other US citizen including all the 讀書津貼, 醫療及救濟金.

Well... Most the social welfare are somewhat financed by the States, there is almost no benefit for US child living oversea. So, you can say he gets NOTHING if the child does not live in US.

If the child lives in US, he can go to free public school, and may qualify public welfare such as medicaid or food stamp etc. Well... at the same time, you can be deported by the US government and banned to enter US if you have overstayed your VISA. (The child has the right to stay, but not the parent. The child can apply his parent when he is 21 with enough financial support and filed tax in US.)
2011-10-12 8:46 am
1. Yes. They become citizen immediately, but not the parents.

2. No - as the benefit are based on residency (the place you live). So in general, being a citizen does not make you entitled to anything.
2011-10-12 6:54 am

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