Someone asked: Why can't I love Jesus and sin at the same time ?

2011-10-11 12:50 am
How would you answer that question ?

回答 (8)

2011-10-11 8:23 am
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If someone truly loves Jesus and wishes to follow his commands described in the bible, then he cannot follow two masters, either he will be attached to the first and hate the second or he'll love the second and hate the first. You cannot serve two masters at same time. either God or money. The one who has asked that question is truly not a follower of Christ. Further, it is said Be holy as your Father in the heaven in holy. Meaning if he choose to sin, then that person loves Jesus hypocritically, not the true love that Jesus is asking for.
2011-10-11 12:54 am
"If you love me, keep my commandments." -John 14:15
2011-10-11 1:18 am
Id tell that person that it they can love Jesus and as far as sin goes ur human u do it anyway even if u don't mean to. but i'd also tell them if they took Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour they would see things from His point of view. And if you truely are saved because you can see it from His point of view you really wont want to sin. you'd want to be like Him in every way and do your best not to sin. the word "Christian" means like Christ. If you are one you'd want to be like Him in every way.
2011-10-11 1:03 am
Because no one can serve two masters

Mat 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
2011-10-11 12:55 am
Anyone that wants to sin are Not loving or really believing in God. Or Obeying God. No respect either!
If you had a child and it wanted to disobey you; would you be happy it was against learning/obeying what you have taught?
參考: Bible
2011-10-11 12:51 am
its the equivalent of driving nails into His body and then saying im sorry, i love you.
2011-10-11 12:56 am
Because Jesus died for our sins, how could you truly uncoditionally love someone who died for your sins and you continue to ignorantly sin. Sinning because you "want" to and not realizing how it seperates you from God is how you must not really love Jesus. I love Jesus, and yes, sometimes I sin but I have this omega burden and guilt over me when I do and that feeling alone tells you that you know you want to love Jesus and thats your first step to becoming a Child of God.
2011-10-11 12:51 am
By saying they are delusional for believing in both things.

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