
2011-10-11 7:56 am
Where were you on the nightof March 23? Out dancing, perhaps, or attending a PTA meeting or just sittingat home watching L.A. Law? If so, you did not realize how close you came todisaster. While you were blissfully unaware of the danger, a huge asteroidwhizzed past the earth, coming closer than any other such heavenly body seen in52 years.

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回答 (4)

2011-10-12 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Where were you on the night of March 23? Out dancing, perhaps, or attending a PTA meeting or just sitting at home watching L.A. Law? If so, you did not realize how close you came to disaster. While you were blissfully unaware of the danger, a huge asteroid whizzed past the earth, coming closer than any other such heavenly body seen in52 years.
2011-10-12 6:34 am
Out dancing, perhaps



you did not realize how close you came to disaster


2011-10-11 4:25 pm
Where were you on the night of March 23? Out dancing, perhaps, or attending a PTA meeting or just sitting at home watching L.A. Law? If so, you did not realize how close you came to disaster. While you were blissfully unaware of the danger, a huge asteroid whizzed past the earth, coming closer than any other such heavenly body seen in 52 years.

3月23日晚你在哪裡?出去跳舞、參加 PTA會議、抑或只是坐在家中觀看L.A. Law呢?如果是這樣,你當時就不知道災難和你是那麼的接近了。當你興高采烈地渾然不知危險之時,一個巨大的小行星颼颼掠過地球,比較52年來任何其他看得到的天體更接近。
2011-10-11 2:45 pm

3 月 23 日的晚上你哪裡?跳舞,也許,或出席 PTA 會議或只坐在家裡看洛杉磯法律嗎?如果是這樣,你不知道如何接近你來災難。當你無所不知的危險,一個巨大的小行星嗖的地球,靠近比任何其他此類天體 52 年見過。

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:50:15
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