what human food for dog?

2011-10-09 8:49 am
both of my dog love human food, just asking what human food i can give my dog, i want a different answer, becasue like human, we eat mcdonal, burger king , drinking coke, eating candy, and it is said to be unhealthy can cause alot of disease in the future. BUT WE are still eating becasue we don wanna give up this delicious food just for a little longer life span.

so for dog , i don need my dog to be perfect healthy , i know some food which not absolutely healthy for dog but they don do much harm for dog and i think is ok to give them alittle bit sometimes . what i wanna know is food that really kill or damage them alot.

回答 (6)

2011-10-09 9:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
When you eat "unhealthy" food, you are making that decision for yourself. Your dog does not have the option of choosing healthy food. Since dogs only live for a short time in comparison to humans, you are saying you don't care if your dog dies young. Ten years off your lifespan might not mean much to a you, but it can be a lifetime for a dog. But, since you already know this, just avoid chocolate, caffeine, sweets (rots their teeth).

My little dog is a rescue and it is very hard for me to get her to eat dog food, since she survived on scraps before she was picked up as a stray. I will sometimes give her a small (tiny) bite of what I am eating and she is perfectlly happy and will then eat her own food. Just be careful, or your little dog will take over your menu and you will find yourself buying stuff for her that you know she likes even if you don't.

Good luck,
參考: Experience
2011-10-10 1:18 pm
2011-10-09 11:19 pm
Most meats are really good! Like bones... maybe some vegies... like soft ones....
2011-10-09 7:56 pm
Here is the list of foods that tend to be toxic to dogs;

There is nothing wrong with feeding a dog all human food however you must do it responsibly and know the food councils nutritional recommendations in order to get the correct balance.
If this is something you would like to do, in other words home cook for your dog, go here and get the 7.95 booklet with recipes already balanced out for your dog and use them without the worry of whether you are feeding correctly or not.
2011-10-09 4:07 pm
A couple of eggs a week is great for their coats & will do no harm in moderation. I feed mine a diet of raw meat/bones, rice or pasta, mashed mixed veg, canned sardines, small amounts of yogurt & they get small pieces of cheese sometimes when training or cooked sausages.They also always have a high quality dry dog food available to them 24/7.
2011-10-09 3:58 pm
My dogs used to love:

any meat really :)

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