about mutation and genotype

2011-10-10 6:21 am
1. 我想問如果parent其中一個sex cell mutate左, 其offspring的genotype係唔係會因此而改變? 咁parent的o個個cell的genotype又會唔會變呢???

2. 如果parent其中一個body cell mutate左, 其offspring的genotype係唔係會因此而改變? 咁parent的o個個cell的genotype又會唔會變呢???

3.the table below which shows the phenotypes and genotypes of two mice (X and Y).
A is the gene for black coat and A ‘ is the gene for white coat.

Mouse X Mouse YPhenotype black coat white coat
Genotype AA AA'

If A’ resulted from a mutation of gene A, the mutation is most likely to have taken place inA. the ovary of mouse Y.
B. the ovary of the parent of mouse Y.C. the skin of mouse Y.D. the skin of the parent of mouse Y.
個ans係b, 但點解唔係a???

我唔明(2), 點解parent的genotype唔會變??? 如果o個個body cell係skin cell, 咁佢ge genotype會唔會變呢??

回答 (2)

2011-10-18 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. offspring=change. parents' other cells= unchanged
2. offspring=no change. Parents' other cells= unchanged

3.based on the ans. i gave u in 1 and 2.
you then know that the gene is inheritated from parent, and is expreseed.

2011-10-19 12:45:40 補充:
其實純粹 直接解釋a不對好簡單
你會唔會隻腳都有事 ? 明顯唔會

if parents的reproductory cell出事
所以offspring 全身的gene都會有事

the end~~
參考: myself, myself
2011-10-20 3:37 am
re: 馬克
''o個個''我係指parent cell..,
我其實係想問如果parent其中一個body cell mutate左, 佢自己的genotype係唔係會因此而改變?我唔知點解你地咁肯定parent cell的genotype一定唔會變....

點解你的答案是答在''意見''這一欄,而不是在''回答''那一欄??= =

2011-10-19 20:18:35 補充:
ok! 我已經明白左好多..,thanks!=]
雖然唔係好明你最後那句, 但都好多謝你有再答我問題!!

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