Wearing a lot of bracelets?

2011-10-08 2:47 pm
Ok so I love wearing bracelets, I want to rock the trend of wearing a lot of bracelets... the beaded ones/woven ones etc but I can't find any nice ones! Any suggestions would be appreciated

回答 (5)

2011-10-08 3:28 pm
I think you should find any type of bracelet that you can incorporate into any of your outfits. I personally like colorful bracelets because I think that colorful describes my personality. Try not to wear to many bracelets though or else it might over power the main focus of your outfit.
2011-10-08 3:09 pm
ring bracelets
參考: experience
2011-10-08 2:53 pm
Did u tried the hand made sites or shops?
just take a look over here:

or if u want more, i have a friend who designs such a thing and she's very very cheap
2011-10-08 2:51 pm
'jesus' bracelets maybe? :)

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