should i keep my dog?

2011-10-08 8:08 am
i am college student i stay in school for about 6 hours every days, and i am home most of the time during weekend
every day i bring my dog to a walk for 30 minutes, weekend will be about 1.5 hrs.

However the problem is when i get home i don play with my dog much, i just pet her for one or two minutes, becasue i keep studying, she always come and sit on my lap when i am studying or play with her toy. I feel guilty becasue when she go out she will get so excitde but at home she is a little difference always sit quietly on my lap .but i am not sure if she is very upset or not. and i know she is an energetic puppy.


回答 (11)

2011-10-08 8:14 am
It sounds like this dog of yours has a very good life. You're providing her with everything she needs and she sounds to be very well behaved.
2011-10-08 8:12 am
When she sits on your lap he just wants your love and attention. I wouldnt get rid of her. You are still spending time with her an walking her. Give her as muchattention as u can, theres always some type of time for it
2011-10-08 8:12 am
No, the reason she does that to you is become she has become attached to you. Letting her go would be sadder in her eyes than you not playing with her as much. My dog does the same she is super excited and I don't always have time to play with her but as long as she sleeps on me or next to me she likes it.
2011-10-08 8:47 am
I believe she is happy with her lot in life. She knows no difference to the way she is being treated and is obviously happy to sit on your lap and occasionally play with her toys.
If you love her and I believe you do, then let her enjoy her life with you the way things are.
you are not ill treating her, you are no different to many people in that you have a busy lifestyle.
If you are happy with her and she with you, then please don't let her go.
2011-10-08 8:42 am
Yes, she is trying so hard to get your attention! Find her a family, where she can be happier. It's not fair to the dog.
2011-10-08 8:34 am
She sounds like shes attached to you, definitely. Selling her would be very hard for your dog.
2011-10-08 8:14 am
If you love her, work harder at your relationship. Puppies need a lot of attention. But if there is no way you could spend more time with her or give her the exercise and stimulation she needs, i would consider finding a family for her. Because kids LOVE puppies. Put an add in the paper and interview the families to make sure she gets the best!
2011-10-08 8:25 am
Need more info like breed & age of the dog in question to start with.
But no matter what you toke on a commitment to love & met your dogs needs when you bought the dog & it's in no way in her best interest to be re homed without you even making an effort to give her more time.
Why not see if you could join an agility or obedience club on the weekends with her or something similar. And while your studding you could always occasionally give her a treat do some basic obedience or throw a ball when you having a brake. I have many dogs 7 sometimes wish I could give more individual 1 on 1 attention to them but instead of thinking of re homing anyone I make more of an effort to give them that.
2011-10-08 8:16 am
why did you get it if you cant take care of it
2011-10-08 8:12 am
give her to me!!!!!! :D
or any family member, that helps too.

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