english presentation

2011-10-09 2:33 am
1對1 對住老師既 題目系 my best friend.要講2分鍾
想問下如果我咁講岩吾岩?文法 時間又講吾講到2分鍾?

Good morning,Ms Ip.Today i would like to talk about my best friend.
My best friend is Karen.She has are big eyes,long hair and she is chubby.
She is also wear black glasses.It is helpful of Karen to teach me to do homework and It's also wise of her to got good marks in English test or exam.
I always talk to her and when we talk about her idol she will be excited.

I'm happy to have this friend.We have a unforgettable event.First,one day i had to went somewhere but i didn't knew how yo went.Then,i find her to help me and she didn't rejected me.After that,she lead me to go.I finish my work.Finally,when we leave Karen discover that she lose her mobile phone.I feel sorry for her because of me she lose her phone but she did not blame me.

In short,I think true friend should be honest because i can believe my friends.
I hope our friendship will be forever.
This is the end of my presentation.Thank you.

回答 (2)

2011-10-09 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,
My suggestion:

I think for a 2-minute presentation, you will have to say a bit more. It took
me about 1 min 15 seconds to read out your presentation at normal speed.

You can give your presentation a clearer structure:
1st paragraph: Karen's appearance and personality/strong points...
2nd paragraph: an unforgettable event with Karen
last paragraph: You are happy to have Karen as your friend and
what true friends should be like.
You can also include more tenses and adjectives. Use contractions like 'I'd',
'I'm'', 'she's', etc as it is natural to do so in spoken English.

Good morning,Ms Ip.Today I'd like to talk about my best friend Karen.
She has big eyes,long hair and she is chubby. She's in Form X and we have been friends for X years. She also wears black-framed glasses and it makes her look bookish. In fact, Karen really likes to study and is smart. She is interested in books and she spends a lot of time on studying. That's why
she always gets good marks in tests and exams. She's helpful with my homework and I'm thankful to her. In our spare time, we talk about singers and movie stars like XXX (give some examples). She's excited when we talk about the artists she likes.

We had an unforgettable event. One day, I was going to go somewhere to do something important but I didn't know how to get there. I asked Karen for help. She actually took the time to take me there! I got my job done. When we left, Karen realised that she had lost her mobile phone! I felt so sorry about that because it was because of me that she had lost her phone but she did not blame me.

I'm very happy to have a friend like Karen. True friends are always there to
help you. I hope our friendship will last forever. I will do my best to make our friendship last.
This is the end of my presentation.Thank you.

Note: please fill in the Xs and you can say more about the event in the 2nd paragraph (where and what you had to do, how you and Karen got there, etc)

參考: myself
2011-10-09 3:50 am
You made some grammer mistakes and the passage is not structured well. Below is my revised version

Good morning, Ms Ip.Today I would like to talk about my best friend, Karen. I have known Karen for years. She is my classmate and I treat her as if she is my sister.
She looks wonderful with big eyes and long hair and she is also clever, especially in aspect of language that she always gets good marks in English test. Karen always gives me a big hand when I have problem in completing my assignment or having problem in my revision. I would like to say "thank you" to her for all her big help.

Last but not least, I would like to mention a recent event as to show you how good Karen is. Last week, I had to go somewhere to meet a friend but I didn't know how to get there. Karen again kindly arranged her schedule and led me to get there. Unfortunately, Karen lost her mobile phone on her way home.I felt sorry but she never blamed me. What a nice guy she is!!

In short,I think trust is important between true friend and friend should be someone that you can fully trust. I hope our friendship can be forever.
This is the end of my presentation.Thank you.
參考: ME

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