英文作文, 寫信,,

2011-10-08 11:56 am
題目;Lueaning English through Short Stories
You have been reading short stories in your English lessons.Your English teacher has suggeted that your class pick a short story to perform on stage.The performance will take place next Friday at 5:30p.m .in the school hall.
Write a personal email yo your friend Alex.Invite Alex to come and watch your performance.Tell Alex what story you are going to perform,what your past is,how long you have been rehearsing,etc.You can include any interesting information about the Club that you think is appropriate.Sign your personal email 'Joe'.Do NOT write an email address.

要作250字; 希望有人會幫我作拉:$'

回答 (1)

2011-10-10 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Subject:Learing English through Short Stories
Dear Alex,
How are you?I miss you so much!I would like to tell you a good news-I was chosen by Miss Yip,our English teacher to perform on stage for telling a short story!
Our group was the best group in our class,1A.This time,the title is 'A Meaningful Short Story'Our group take the story in The Little Mermaid.The content of the book I think you have known,so I won't say too much.But one thing that was different from the tradition story is that,the mermaid princess,which fell in love with the prince that she was saved have new method.First,her name is Angel.After she have become a human,she saw the angles.The angles was happy to help her.They gave her back her voice,and said'If the princess kiss you at this three days,you will become a human and live happyily ever after with your lover.But if you can't do that,you must become our angles club members,that mean that you will died.Do you understand?'Angle nooded her head.At last,she got back her love and become the princess of that kingdom.Is this story's ending happy?
Please come to our performance in next Friday,5:30pm in our school hall.Please repay me noever you will come or not.My past is the price.
Waiting for your repay!Seeyou!

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