改Grammer (不用翻譯網站)

2011-10-08 1:06 am
之前已發電兩封電郵,上次電郵回覆將於(日期)付款,我司直至今天還未收到(1/9-31/10)租金(HK$________),多次回覆付款日期最後亦沒有支付,根據租約協定,貴司需每月租期初繳納當月之租金。致電給閣下,電話亦Cut線或沒有接聽。請貴司於(付款日期)前支付(1/9-31/10)租金(HK$________)。如(付款日期)前未能支付,根據租約列明,租戶連續2個月未付租金,業主可即時終止租約,並將單位內之雜物清理,及有權另租與別人,租戶不得異議。 Despite our first and second reminder, you will pay the rent HK$______ (1/9-31/10). Up to now, we have neither received your settlement nor heard anything from you. According to the agreement, you shall pay to us the Rent in Advance on the first day. Meanwhile, we tried to contact you today by telephone no. ____________ but the line was cut. Kindly settle the payment on or before (date). If you fail to settle the outstanding in full on or before (date), you shall move out immediately. All sundries must be removed before the above date. The storage is vacant to the Landlord. According to the contract agreement, if the Tenant shall unpaid for two months rent, the contact shall absolutely determine on termination.

回答 (1)

2011-10-13 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
In accordance with the agreement, up to now, you must pay us the rent of HK$______ (1/9-31/10).
Up to now, we have neither received your settlement nor heard from you despite our first and second reminder. According to the agreement, you must pay us the Rent in Advance on the first day of each month. Meanwhile, we tried to telephone you today on no . ____________ but the line was cut. Please settle the payment on or before (date). According to the contract agreement, if the Tenant fails to pay rent for two months, the contact should be terminated automatically. So if you fail to settle the outstanding in full on or before (date), you must move out immediately. All sundries ( your belongings ) must be removed before the above date. Before being returned to the Landlord, the storage must be vacant .

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