chemistry structural formula

2011-10-07 7:31 pm
仲有structural formula of organic molecule, 有咩排序規則要注意?

回答 (2)

2011-10-08 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is O=C=S

since O and S has 6 outermost electron
they need 2 more electron,
so then need one double bond or 2 single bond

for C, C has 4 outermost electron
it needs 4 more elctron,
it needs a total 4 bonding

So, it is O=C=S
2011-10-08 1:55 am
The structural formula is S=C=O , not the others . COS is called Carbonyl Sulfide .

2011-10-11 15:50:40 補充:
不可以寫成C=O=S , 因為O cannot form 4 bonds ,2 with C & 2 with S .

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:16:55
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