Why does my ex still text me?

2011-10-07 3:14 am
My ex still texts me even tho we broke up about a month ago. I know she wants to be friends and whatever but I don't we live in different towns so I won't have to see her. But she still texts ne somtimes and says hi but once she said bye in welsh so I thought she was finally gonna leave me alone but she didn't. She texted me today but I just deleted the message I don't want to tall to her anymore but I don't wanna tell her that. Will she ever just leave me alone she seems like the kind of girl who wouldn't :p

回答 (8)

2011-10-07 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
You're going to have to come rite out & tell her you do NOT want to hear from her again in ANY way. If she's the type of person who won't give up, you'll have to come rite out & tell her. Block her in EVERY way you can, but if you must, you've got to tell her you do not want to hear from her again. Sometimes we must do things we don't want to do, but in order to get them across to some people we MUST do what we must do. I've always said that honesty is the best policy!...the best to you...:)
2011-10-07 3:25 am
She misses you. And maybe its the pain of losing you that compels her to send you texts.

Hey maybe, she's just not ready to move on. Just be kind.

You don't have to be rude you know. Just tell her you two are through, but if she wants to text that's fine, just don't expect a response anytime soon.
2011-10-07 3:50 am
I'm sure she is clinging to her feelings for you and to the relationship, even though you are no longer together. This isn't uncommon.

You could politely let her know that while you are not out to hurt her further, you would like to stop all contact so she and you can both move forward with life.

I think it's a good idea to let her know in a caring way.

all the best!!
2011-10-07 3:25 am
she still wants to be with you
2011-10-07 3:24 am
If her texting you bothers you should be honest with her and in a polite way tell her that you appreciate it if she would stop texting you because you aren't interested in being friends.It's always better to be direct and honest instead of giving someone mixed signals or false hope.
2011-10-07 3:23 am
AWW.....she is still crushin' on you....either that or she is a psycho stalker who wont move on.....if it bothers you so much, have a restraining order put out on her....have her # blocked so she can not get in touch with you at all.....IGNORE HER.....
2011-10-07 3:18 am
just do it
參考: nike
2011-10-07 3:18 am
She missed you.

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