Not unless she has a house or place of her own, a decent income and is super independent. And you would have to be AMAZING in bed. Otherwise its not that likely. OR she could be as bad off as you so she couldn't really complain.
Absolutely if she truly loves him not all women are a like. My husband worked in a warehouse when we got married we didn't have a pot to pizz in but we loved each other and isn't that what it's all about.
Wow. Are you speaking about my son? Seriously, a man who knows himself, is of good character, fun, interesting, and loving. Compassionate with empathy?
SURE. No problem.
Babe, if you're dumb enough to make it ALL about will encompass you to such a degree you have no frickin life.
You should know this...and if you don't? You've got a real problem...
It depends on the woman and what she is looking for in a relationship.If the things you listed in your question truly bother you ,then i would definitely say that you mostly wouldn't be happy,but you also have to take into account how much you love him or if you even really love him at all and if you would be happy in a relationship with a man with these issues.
I wouldn't be happy though. I need someone who is motivated enough to make themselves better, I find that attractive. I mean I could date someone who had those classifications, but if they don't plan on doing anything about it then they're not for me.