If you could be any animal what would it be?

2011-10-06 8:08 pm

回答 (23)

2011-10-06 8:14 pm
I like being a rock just fine thank you very much!
2011-10-06 8:26 pm
a t rex


an orca
2011-10-06 8:20 pm
Wolverine, baby!
2011-10-06 8:18 pm
2011-10-06 8:18 pm
chicken a white one
2011-10-06 8:17 pm
A fly (insect) on your wall.
2011-10-06 8:17 pm
A cute little Kitty-Kat♥
With an old lady as an owner,those old women are so flippin good to their cats,LOL!:D
2011-10-06 8:16 pm
a hamster!!!!
i want to go on that spinny wheel!
2011-10-06 8:15 pm
an iriomote kitten; cause id be protected by law, AND i could get free milk off some nice village people :)
2011-10-06 8:14 pm
a horse, a dog or any small bird
2011-10-06 8:14 pm
2011-10-06 8:13 pm
A panda.
2011-10-06 8:11 pm
A Platypus with pointy teeth and ESP.
2011-10-06 8:10 pm
A fox
2011-10-06 8:10 pm
2011-10-06 8:10 pm
A vampire
2011-10-06 8:10 pm
brown bear
2011-10-06 8:10 pm
A pomeranian puppy
2011-10-06 8:10 pm
A grizzly bear
2011-10-06 8:10 pm
2011-10-06 8:10 pm
A kitty.
2011-10-06 8:09 pm
A Panther:)
2011-10-06 8:09 pm
A kitty c:

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