
2011-10-07 5:18 am
take things for grant 係點解?英文解釋!

回答 (6)

2011-10-07 5:56 am
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應該是take sth for granted, 或take it for granted

牛津字典就對take sth for granted有以下解釋:

take sb/sth for granted : to be so used to sb/sth that you do not recognize their true value any more and do not show that you are grateful.

take it for granted :to believe sth is true without first making sure that it is.


2011-10-07 7:55 pm
Taken something for granted -

It means that something has been done for you by someone else - it could be a favour from somebody and you think that it is natural and have not shown gratefulness to what has been done for you.

Hope you will understand the said explanation.
2011-10-07 12:55 pm
take something for granted===regarding it as true or as certain to happen.
2011-10-07 8:44 am
First, it should be 'take things for granted'.

'take things for granted' means that you think it is your right that the good things in your life happen to you, and that you
do not value them or that you do not feel thankful that they
happen to you.

The 'things' can be a good school that you go to, family
members and friends who care about you, a safe and
comfortable place to live, food to eat etc.

I hope that my answer is clear.
參考: myself
2011-10-07 5:36 am
2011-10-07 5:31 am
在同意下拿走物品(may be係咁解啦)
參考: me

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