
2011-10-07 3:33 am
萊特兄弟失敗圖片.我做project要用呀!!!急!!!唔該要萊特兄弟失敗圖片!!!5點!!!!!求求您們!!!The faster the better!!!越快越好!!!謝謝!!!Thx!!!

回答 (1)

2011-10-07 8:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do you mean the Wright Brothers' Failures?
The Wright brothers built seven flying machines in their quest for a practical aircraft, each a test bed for untried theories and assumptions. When they guessed wrong, they crashed -- and the Wrights crashed each one of their aircraft more than once.
the wright brothers' crashes:



2011-10-07 13:40:04 補充:
You can google
'Wright brothers' crashes'
and then choose 'images'/ 圖片
參考: http://getrealefx.com/archives/838, 62mileclub.com

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:17:02
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