maths(quadratic equation)

2011-10-07 3:13 am
find a linear equation in x and y such that y can be eliminated from this equation and the equation y=2x^2-3x to get x^2+4x+3=0.

solve with graphical method or other method~

都是用graphical method 吧

回答 (1)

2011-10-07 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since y=f(x) is a linear equation, let y = mx+c.
2x^2 - 3x = y = mx + c which is equivalent to x^2+4x+3=0.
2x^2 - (3+m)x -c = 0
x^2 - (3+m)/2 x - c/2 = 0 should be identical to x^2+4x+3=0.

Comparing the coefficient,

- (3+m)/2 = 4
m = -11
-c/2 = 3
c = -6
Therefore y = -11x-6.
參考: me

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