Why are Greek riot police so much more robust than British riot police?

2011-10-05 12:15 pm
Riot police in Greece quite frankly don't take any nonsense, if you come it with them you're going to go home with a sore head as a gaurantee.

It's a shame the British police didn't have this same level of grit when dealing with thugs. Frankly, most British cops would be better suited to a little office job rather than dealing with aggressive pond life.

As we're both in the EU, perhaps we could pay the Greek government to send over some of their cops to sort things out?

回答 (11)

2011-10-05 7:23 pm
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Because in this stupid day in age in this country the rioter would sue the British police and the officer in question would be sacked.
2011-10-05 3:50 pm
In Greece, they do not have "pinko liberals" and do not pay homage to the Human Rights Act like they do in UK, mainly because they are reluctant members of the EU, they only abide by EU legislation if they can make some money from it..In July 2010, the "Smoking in Public Places" legislation became law in Greece..has it stopped people smoking in bars, restaurants, etc. Has if Fek they would lose money if they did that..you`ve been to Greece for a holiday..the school run..mum, on a scooter with two kids on the petrol tank and handlebars and one on the luggage pannier, not a crash helmet in sight, and the police ignore it Smoking, drinking driving with your knees whilst having a mobile phone conversation normal practice..do the police do anything..er..no

The Greek police ARE a riot
2011-10-05 9:23 pm
Firstly because most demonstrations in Britain are peaceful and do not require an aggressive response. Jusy look what happened when they did respond in a robust fashion, as in the City of London just over 2 years ago. They killed an innocent newspaper seller
2011-10-05 3:13 pm
Its not lack of grit. Its lack of support. Its misuse of the human rights act. In the UK, the police are guilty until proven innocent and then only if the media allow it. Look at the flimsy excuse used to start the riots in the first place!
2011-10-05 5:32 pm
Being a law abiding citizen I have never had any trouble with police in Greece ,however,this same law abiding person has been threatened whilst on a" Right to work march " by police whilst visiting my Capital,London,"Get moving you Northern prck or else " nice one eh ?
2011-10-05 4:02 pm
What I don't understand is that the Greeks are allowed to crack down on protesters and rioters, but when Colonel Gadaffi tried to do the same, his country got bombed by NATO. All the Libyan government were trying to do was stop disorder and thanks to NATO and the UN it led to a civil war.

In the case of Greek Riot police and UK Police, Britain is tightly bound to the human rights act and in all cases the offender gets benefit of doubt.
2011-10-05 2:18 pm
The Greek Police know that they will be fired if management has the slightest excuse. Also government know that they are likely to be lynched if the demonstrators get to them. The lives of the police are also in danger. It is not England you know!

As to corruption. The top Athens police have not all resigned as far as I know. ( I read about the MET in the Sun so it MUST be true. After all so many senior officers work for the newspapers).

The US led Colonels have nothing to do with it. They left in 1974.over 30 years ago!
參考: Opinion.
2011-10-05 2:10 pm
It is not about lack of grit, if given the opportunity then the British police would come down just as hard on these scumbags as the Greek police but when you are restrained by red tape and do gooders and the human rights laws then it makes life difficult for them .The Government need to sort this out and allow the police to carry out their duties to the best of their abilities
2011-10-05 12:45 pm
Because they have inherited their ways, from the COLONELS, back in the day. Very different nations with very different histories and ways.
You think you can do a better job, go do it then!
參考: Known Greece well for nearly 40 years.
2011-10-05 12:21 pm
And the Greek Police also have no respect from the public and are probably corrupt.

They will definitely be more robust at that part.

And why are the Greeks in such a pickle, because the place is corrupt, you get what you pay for.

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