句中"for having had" 文法??
句中黃色 highlight 的字的文法??
Allen Lee Peng-fei, founding chairman of the Liberal Party, of which Tang is a former member, even praised Tang’s courage " for admitting to having had an affair "
可能的話盡量用中文回答! 感激!!
回答 (3)
" for admitting to having had an affair " 承認曾經有婚外情
(1) admit to (something) = 承認(+名詞)
(2) admit to having (something) = 承認有(+名詞)
"having" is a gerund (動名詞) from the verb "have"
(3) admit to having had (something) = 承認曾經有(+名詞)
"having had" is a gerund (動名詞) from the verb "have had"
(4) admit to having had an affair = 承認曾經有婚外情
When making the above phrase as the object of the preposition "for", we therefore have to convert "admit" to its gerund form "admitting".
相信你會知道admit to後可配名詞或動名詞,如yahoo字典就有一例I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct.
但為了表達所承認的事是早前所發生的事,則我們會用having+past participle
She admitted to having stolen the car.
同樣道理,for admitting to having had an affair這句,也是表示發生婚外情是早前之事
收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:46:28
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