句中"for having had" 文法??

2011-10-06 1:41 am
句中黃色 highlight 的字的文法??

Allen Lee Peng-fei, founding chairman of the Liberal Party, of which Tang is a former member, even praised Tang’s courage " for admitting to having had an affair "

可能的話盡量用中文回答! 感激!!

回答 (3)

2011-10-06 4:04 am
" for admitting to having had an affair " 承認曾經有婚外情

(1) admit to (something) = 承認(+名詞)

(2) admit to having (something) = 承認有(+名詞)
"having" is a gerund (動名詞) from the verb "have"

(3) admit to having had (something) = 承認曾經有(+名詞)
"having had" is a gerund (動名詞) from the verb "have had"

(4) admit to having had an affair = 承認曾經有婚外情

When making the above phrase as the object of the preposition "for", we therefore have to convert "admit" to its gerund form "admitting".

2011-10-06 3:57 am
相信你會知道admit to後可配名詞或動名詞,如yahoo字典就有一例I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct.

但為了表達所承認的事是早前所發生的事,則我們會用having+past participle

She admitted to having stolen the car.

同樣道理,for admitting to having had an affair這句,也是表示發生婚外情是早前之事


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