Complete the crossword

2011-10-05 5:37 pm
Please help to complete the crossword. Thanks!!

We are designing a new XXXXXXX at the moment.

Please add our site to your XXXX of favourites.

If you give my your address, I can send you an XXXXX .

A XXXXX with no cable is much more comfortable to use.

It's like the Internet but the pages are only accessible inside the company, XXXXXXXX

We pay them to include a XXXX to our website on their page.

How much do you pay for your Internet XXXXXXXXXX per month?

Our system is infeeted by a XXXXXX.

I don't have much time to XXXXXX the Internet at work.

I'll send you the document as an e-mail XXXXXXXXXX.

Don't get so close to the XXXXXX. It's bad for your eyes.

You can XXXXXXXX music and pictures from our site.

Nowadays I buy al my CDs and books XXXXXX.

XXXXX here for futher information.

I'm looking for a web XXXX with information about share prices.

In order to XXXX the web in comfort you need a good computer.

回答 (3)

2011-10-05 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We are designing a new website at the moment.

Please add our site to your list of favourites.

If you give my your address, I can send you an email .

A modem with no cable is much more comfortable to use.

It's like the Internet but the pages are only accessible inside the company, intranet

We pay them to include a link to our website on their page.

How much do you pay for your Internet colocation per month?

Our system is infeeted by a hacker.

I don't have much time to browse the Internet at work.

I'll send you the document as an e-mail attachment.

Don't get so close to the monitor. It's bad for your eyes.

You can download music and pictures from our site.

Nowadays I buy al my CDs and books online.

check here for futher information.

I'm looking for a web site with information about share prices.

In order to surf the web in comfort you need a good computer.
2011-10-05 6:40 pm
應該有d答案有出入,因為填唔到入個填字格內,等我再study下,many thanks~~

2011-10-05 14:29:07 補充:
仍然有d出入,many thanks~~

2011-10-05 17:40:18 補充:
Many thanks , i am waiting for correct answer!!! :D
2011-10-05 6:06 pm
We are designing a new webpage at the moment.

*Please add our site to your site of favourites.

If you give me your address, I can send you an email .

A modem with no cable is much more comfortable to use.

*It's like the Internet but the pages are only accessible inside the company, personal

We pay them to include a link to our website on their page.

How much do you pay for your Internet connection per month?

Our system is infected by a hacker.

I don't have much time to access the Internet at work.

I'll send you the document as an e-mail attachment.

Don't get so close to the monitor. It's bad for your eyes.

You can download music and pictures from our site.

Nowadays I buy al my CDs and books online.

Click here for futher information.

I'm looking for a web teem with information about share prices.

In order to surf the web in comfort you need a good computer.

打左星果d唔肯定.. 其他應該岩

hope it helps :)

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