is it normal for breeder?

2011-10-05 7:09 am
I bought two puppy from two breeder there is something that i feel strange but i am not sure if it s normal

For both puppies, breeders said they have deworm the puppies for several times. HOwever when i bring them to VET. One stil have alot of worm in their poop

and another one is more serious, her belly is bloated, and she vomit and diarhea due to worm. Is that normal actuall i think the second one is more serious and i sign a contract with her, it stated that if i bring to he vet within 24 hours after i bought the puppy and found that there is life threatening disease, i can return the pet. I found the contract a little tricky, so i really bring the second one to vet within 24 hours. THe vet said it is common that they have worm, but i don understand the breeders say they dewrom the puupy and do the vaccine themselves are this reliable. I will not return the puppy but i just wanna know if it is normal, and the second breeder's business seems to be alot bigger, becasue i saw that they have another building beside their house, and the house is full of dog barking. I think there should be at least 70 puppies. I ask them to open it for me to visit the bulding but they refuse, because it's cold and dark outside. But their house is pretty good and i see they alos have alot of cat, and those cats are very friendly to them so i choose to trust them . ANY ONE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCE BUYING FROM BREEDER, PLEASE SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH ME.
i i really don wanna buy puppy from pet store since they come from puppy mill and other irresponsible dog breeder.

回答 (4)

2011-10-05 3:53 pm
Well first off why the hell did you buy TWO puppies at the same time? And hate to break to you but BOTH breeders were irresponsible the second one most definitely. Doesn't help to eliminate pet shops if at the end of the day you don't know how to tell a good breeder from a bad one.

My experience tells me you foolishly got yourself into buying from not one but two bad breeders and are now paying for it through two pups who need costly vet care and that I wouldn't be surprised if one or both don't end up dead soon enough.
2011-10-05 7:27 am
Good on You for NOT buying from a pet store, they are puppy mill outlets.
all puppies do have worms, so many as you say is not common, also it
would be best to ask the Vet about breeders doing the vaccine as this is
not allowed in Australia. 70 puppies is a hell of a lot of puppies even for
a breeder, vomiting & diarrhea are NOT normal of a healthy puppy.
Please go back to the Vet & have both puppies checked out for parvo
& other diseases. I really hope that all becomes well with your puppies!
參考: 20 yrs. with dogs
2011-10-05 7:18 am
The second puppy breeder is definitely a puppy mill, because there are so many puppies on the premises at the same time.

Breeders often vaccinate their own pups and administer worming medicine.

Worms are common but usually not such a problem. The puppies may be ingesting their own worm-laden feces. Promptly dispose of their feces as soon as they poop. Or the worming medicine may not be targeted to the worms you see.
2011-10-05 7:14 am
Those breeders are not quality breeders. Did you meet them at their house to get the puppies? If not their could be lying about the deworming. Always make sure they have proof they are quality before getting a puppy from any breeder.

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