這句子中的 "would" 有否用錯文法呢? 急急急急

2011-10-04 3:36 am
這句子中的 "would" 有否用錯文法呢?

There are fears that if growth in these regions slows, it would have an impact on consumer spending and hurt demand for Japanese exports.

回答 (2)

2011-10-04 4:44 am
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這句子中的 "would" 有否用錯文法呢?

這句文法冇錯, 因為這是條件句 “Conditional sentence” (If A happens, then B would happen) If you walk faster, you would get further. If you work hard, you parents would be pleased. …. if growth in these regions slows, it would have an impact on consumer spending….. NOTE: would is not as strong as will in this type of Conditional sentence If you eat that poisonous mushroom, you will die ( very strong probability )
參考: me
2011-10-04 10:08 am
There are fears that if growth in these regions slows, it would have an impact on consumer spending and hurt demand for Japanese exports.
這句子中的 "would" 有否用錯文法呢?

It is correct to use the word "would", which is one of the conditional auxiliary verbs (could, should, and would) used in the subjunctive mood to express a condition which is doubtful or not factual.

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