Travel in London (10marks)

2011-10-02 9:13 am
we plan to Visit London in mid Oct. Would spend 1 day at Bath, 1 day at Cambridge, half day at Kew, half day visit British Museum, 1 day visit the Natural History Museum, River Thames, Greenwich and buying souvenirs. Please advise what sort of transport would be most economy for use. Hotel booked at Zone 3 near Ealing Common.

Btw, any good & not too expensive place to taste the English Food?

回答 (2)

2011-10-04 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 如果你地係去bath 同cambridge 既話, 建議你地可以買火車票, 因為你地只係去4日英國, 如果因為咁而買oyster 係唔抵的, 一黎要俾deposit, 二黎你地只係用4日, 三黎佢個deposit 唔可以咁快退的.

2) 如果係買火車票, 可以上去: 上面你可以search 哂車既時間同埋價錢, 最好係9:30 先好出發, 因為車票會平d (non peak hr). 咁去到bath 同cambridge, 因為地方唔算太大, 同埋景點好集中, 所以唔駛話係果邊要搭車既.

3) 而第3日既london trip, 建議你地可以買day travel card, 因為你地係住zone 3, 所以可以買zone1 - 3 既day travel card ((2張 for 2日)), 平好多既, 又可以任搭, 去哂咁多個地方都唔算話太貴.

4) 英國好多野食都係貴的, 如果想食平野, 就可以試下fish and chips 同埋kebab, 都唔算貴, china town 係貴的, 你可以去睇下, 行下, 但就可以唔駛入去食既. 建議你地可以搵一d 唔係集團式既restaurant, 咁就會冇咁貴的:)

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學EXP & 家住LONDON =]
2011-10-02 5:53 pm
The best way is always travel with subway and trainway. You can go to the most nearest stations and interchange the buses to go to those destinations. Subway like MTR, not expensive, and it could reach most of the the sightseeing destination like British Museum. Trainway, however, could be very expensive, you should go check their seat reservation through internet, or find someone book the student ticket / pass for you (its price is much more fair).

Unless you will have one day University's stay, I mean outside or far out countryside in London, I won't suggest anyone to travel with coach. But it is the best and almost the only way for Country-Central Areas travelling, though it takes 2-4 hours a single way.

You may spend some meals in China Town, you could find some H.K. tastes there! And you could even Yum Cha there ! But for your serveral-days trip, you can try one time local restaurant, for steaks and salad and soup... it is boring for me though.
參考: I spent half of my summer holidays in the UK.

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