do you think China is opponent or friend/enemy to US ?

2011-09-30 10:36 pm

回答 (7)

2011-09-30 10:41 pm
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politically, enemies.
economically, friends.
culturally i wouldn't say exactly friends, or enemies.

you can see that a lot of chinese culture has made its way into american culture, and vise versa.
2011-10-01 5:39 am
meh..america just ignores china, and china ignores the u.s
but there closer to friends then enemy's i suppose. BUT in the past the US bombed china! so they were enemy's IN THE PAST! if they were enemy's now, then they would probably have a war or something..
2011-10-01 6:50 am
They are neutral, they are like the two school bullies that want supreme bully power,
But if they fight each other they would both get really hurt.

But it would be good if they were friends
2011-10-01 5:41 am
I think China is our opponent because in recent years they have had many more successes than we have had.

1. Their economy is doing much better than ours.
2. They are getting ahead in technology.
3. They have more factories, which means they have more jobs for more people
However, the US has a lot of good things going for them as well.

1. We have a democracy
2. We have many more hospitals and wonderful doctors.
3. We are the "land of oppertunity" (or so it seems)
2011-10-01 5:41 am
1. China has never helped the USA since World War 2.2. They still our jobs3.They are communist we are capitalist.
2011-10-01 5:41 am
When is it Chinas fault that they can make things cheaper?

America needs to get off it's @$$ and become more competitive, or re-invent themselves.
2011-10-01 5:37 am
Idealogy enemies
Economically friend

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