
2011-10-01 2:47 am


回答 (2)

2011-10-09 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Usually, government is the largest and the strongest entity to exploit the farmers. However, in some countries, the government will heavily subsidize their farmers in exporting the produce. In some countries, there will be some import tax on other countries' produce. In some countries, government will have some low-interest rate or even interest-free loan to farmers.

2) Farming is a good career only if the farmer owns a big piece of land and land is closed to major city. That can help their produce to be sold at a higher price.

3) Thai rice becomes more expensive will not impact Hong Kong much as rice costs do not constitute a major portion of spending of Hong Kong people. On the other hand, businessmen will use this as excuse to raise the food price higher so that they can earn more money.
2011-10-03 9:08 pm

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