
2011-09-30 7:19 pm
1. Delivery lead time交貨須時2. Style and Color can be selection. 款式和顏色均可選擇3. Please remove such starter and electronic ballast when selecting for a T8 LED tube.配LED T8光管時,請自行拆除左士達和電子鎮流器。4. We can make an order for customers’ need. 我們亦可協助客戶訂造心怡款式的燈或燈具。5. The customer needs to make 50% deposit and pay all the remaining on delivery. 訂造物品時,客戶要先繳交50%的款項,餘額便要交貨付清。6. The account will be canceled if the customer has taken an order during a year. 在一年內,貴公司沒有在本公司下訂單,所持戶口將會被取消。7. There is deferral of payment up to 30 days and ceiling HK$10,000. 賒帳為一個月及上限HK$10,000。8. takes 90 working days of delivery 交貨為90個工作天9. Above products made to order 以上產品均需訂造

回答 (2)

2011-09-30 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Delivery lead time交貨(需)時(
如果是按中文意思這是delivery needs time
如按英文意思是「交貨期」 - 由落訂至出貨時間2. Style and Color can be selection. 款式和顏色均可選擇
Styles and Colours are avaliable.
3. Please remove such starter and electronic ballast when selecting for a T8 LED tube.配LED T8光管時,請自行拆除左士達和電子鎮流器。
Please remove the starter and electronic ballast when installing a T8 LED tube.

4. We can make an order for customers’ need. 我們亦可協助客戶訂造心怡款式的燈或燈具。
We can custom-made to order.

5. The customer needs to make 50% deposit and pay all the remaining on delivery. 訂造物品時,客戶要先繳交50%的款項,餘額便要交貨付清。
The customer needs to pay a deposit at 50% of the order value and pay the balance on delivery.

6. The account will be canceled if the customer has taken an order during a year. 在一年內,貴公司沒有在本公司下訂單,所持戶口將會被取消。
The account will be cancelled if the customer has not place any order for over 1 year.

7. There is deferral of payment up to 30 days and ceiling HK$10,000. 賒帳為一個月及上限HK$10,000。
Deferral of payment may be up to 30 days and limit at HK$10,000.

8. takes 90 working days of delivery 交貨為90個工作天
Delivery in 90 working days.

9. Above products made to order 以上產品均需訂
Above products require order in advance.
- Above products are made to order未必是錯,不過一般意思是由客人設定或選取所需要的配搭和材料等(例如獨特的車輛或如組合切成的電腦),但如果只是說貨品不是off-the-shelve有存貨即訂即有,需要預訂或提早預留貨(可能每月只生產一定數量)便用我的提議。

2011-09-30 13:40:53 補充:
2011-10-04 12:13 am
JENKIN 兄你唔好已為自己好勁或者你好好心,你只係害左佢,一個學習英文既機會,佢只係利用你幫佢做功課,不過你要堅持再害人,我都冇說話好講

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