
2011-09-30 8:10 am
要用一個8個字母的英文單字形容 James Bond 嘅戲 , thank you !!

回答 (3)

2011-09-30 8:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
GRIPPING = exciting and interesting
2011-09-30 9:04 pm
riveting: extremely interesting

2011-09-30 13:20:29 補充:
a negative adjective can be 'farcical', meaning 'absurd'.
2011-09-30 6:36 pm
Thriller==Novel or play in which excitement and emotional appeal are the essential elements (not necessarily a crime or detective story).富於刺激並激動讀者感情的小說或戲劇。
參考: Based on ”The Advanced learner's Dictionary of Current English

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