If God hates atheism, why does he keep creating atheists?

2011-09-30 3:45 am
Isn't that a bit like buying grapefruit even though you know you hate it, letting it sit on your counter while it rots and stinks up your kitchen, and then throwing it away like the worthless piece of trash you always thought it was?

回答 (28)

2011-09-30 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
ughh,... free will..,,, umm...... it's a test.....yea thats it!
2011-09-30 3:47 am
Because god is unable to recognize the plot holes in his own omniscience.
2011-09-30 3:47 am
god didn't create me

my mother and father did

you do know about the birds and the bees and all that racket
2011-09-30 3:46 am
He doesn't.

They choose to deny Him.

+Jesus, I Trust In You!
Here I Am, Lord.
2011-09-30 3:48 am

God hates NO ONE - - -

You chose to be an atheist just as

homosexuals chose to be that way

2011-09-30 3:47 am
He does not hate atheists.
He also does not create them.

He creates people with free will.
2011-09-30 3:47 am
2011-09-30 3:49 am
I like it.... 8^)

Does seem to be a silly thing for an all powerful being to do. Especially since he is supposed to know that we would be atheists...

Maybe he created us as tools to screw with the religious and we are actually the chosen being more objective as to his existence? LOL

2011-09-30 3:46 am
2011-09-30 3:48 am
He does not create atheists. He creates human beings with intelligence for reasoning so that they can choose. So, that's what they choose, despite other choices He gives.
2011-09-30 3:46 am
That's a really good point! :)
2011-09-30 3:52 am
All people were created as unbelievers. You don't start out believing. You must learn and be taught first and then with revelation and Spiritual conviction be converted. I know atheists are unbelievers but they are believers that there is no God and there is not much difference between an unbeliever and an atheist.
2011-09-30 3:51 am
Infants do not believe anything, because they are not capable of it. Therefore, people decide what they believe during their life as a non-infant. If people decide what to believe when they are no longer infants, then it was not a God who made you anything.

Therefore again, a God did not make you atheist.
2011-09-30 3:51 am
Only the atheist who dies as an atheist is the true atheists.
2011-09-30 3:50 am
He doesn't. We are blank slates when we are born. We come to adopt our philosophies based upon what we observe, and what we are taught. However, at some point, our observations are constrained by our education...or I should say LACK of education.
2011-09-30 3:50 am
God doesn't create atheists. He creates human beings and gives us free will so that we can choose to love him. If someone forced you to love them then that wouldn't be true love would it? It would be fake love.
2011-09-30 3:49 am
God does not create atheists. God creates people who choose willingly through our freewill to sin against God. Atheists are people who were created by God who chose to rebel against God and then deny that the God of Israel, the living God of this universe, exists. For proof of the God of Israel please read below:

The Judo-Christian God of the Bible is the One and True God because He is the only God that has withstood the test of time, science, history, and prophecies of the Bible. This can be seen through the Dead Sea Scrolls that were written over 2000 years ago; proving that it with stood the test of time because it matches up word-for-word of the Hebrew Bible today. Verses such as Leviticus 17:14 stating “For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.” and Isaiah 40:22 stating “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:”. These verses in the Bible are proven to be scientifically true thousands of years after they were written! The Israelites being enslaved to the Egyptians 3000 years ago and the Israelites spending 40 years in the desert is historically accurate proving that the Bible stands the test of history. And the test of prophecy is being fulfilled right now by the world leaders discussing and making plans how on they, the leaders of the world, are able to unite the world through a global government and economy. This is written in the Bible in verse of Revelation 13:7 “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” and in Revelation 13:16-17 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”.
2011-09-30 12:53 pm
to test our faith on him :)
2011-09-30 4:09 am
God is a bit confused it seems.
But saying so some believe blasphemes
his name. It seems to be constant themes,
God probably also has wet dreams.
2011-09-30 4:05 am
Atheists are made not born. Atheism comes into their lives after birth God does not create an atheist. You are incorrect.
2011-09-30 3:51 am
in life people have the rights to choose what they want to believe,and if they choose not to believe in anything at least they can choose to just believe in themselves.This whole atheist is better than christianity and vice versa BS has to end at some point.No one should tell someone to believe in something.I don't know when people will finally realize that but yeah,let people believe what they want to believe and you have the rights of your freedom of speak however don't criticize anything or provoke trouble with anyone regarding any religion.
2011-09-30 3:54 am
No. God gives us choices, just as buying a grapefruit you hate is
a choice, but not a good one. We, His Creation choose the ways
of life that are available. God gave us His instruction book to go
with the creation, but many people disregard the instruction book
and do things their own way. Many times, if the instructions aren't
followed, the results crumble, stinks up your project, and ends up
being thrown away instead of valued if we'd follow the written
2011-09-30 3:53 am
You know that God doesn't create atheists, people simply choose not to believe in Him.

No one said God hates atheists either that's an assumption on your part. God merely creates us each with free will and a measure of faith.

We all get to choose what we will place our faith or trust in. Some choose Jesus Christ, because it is faith in him that allows us to be saved and thus to spend eternity with God the Father.

Why blame God for your lack of belief and why be angry if He chooses to use your life to show others the way to Him?

Do you really believe that God created you and if so do you think it was for no higher purpose than to cast you aside?

Remember you are the one that doesn't believe. God has extended the invitation for salvation to whomever, that means everyone, it's our choice if we accept.

It's accountability, it's accepting the consequences for our actions/decisions or lack thereof. We can't really blame God for that can we?
2011-09-30 3:52 am
God's days of creating things ended in the first chapter of Genesis.
It's YOU who has been sitting around on the kitchen counter for too long.
Stop being a grapefruit, and stop making other grapefruits.
Do something worthwhile.
2011-09-30 3:53 am
He doesn't. They create themselves by rejecting Him.

Forgive others as I have forgiven you.
I’m not here to win a popularity contest, but to witness to and speak the TRUTH.
2011-09-30 3:50 am
God created every single one of with the intention of us being his followers for the rest of our lives so we could join him in heaven forever, but people choose to not believe.
Hate the sin, not the sinner. :)
參考: Christian :)
2011-09-30 3:49 am
2011-09-30 3:48 am
It's the same logic as people who complain about the changes to the facebook layout, yet they still use it all the time. Bunch of hypocrites.
參考: Shiva, god of destruction

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