Spiritually speaking, is this society profoundly sick?

2011-09-30 3:38 am
And is it any measure of mental health to be well-adjusted to it?


As a Christian I feel that I am becoming increasingly detached from what is now considered "the norm". Have we as a society sunken to a level of such mediocrity that we as a species can never escape from it? Might we need a Saviour?

回答 (19)

2011-09-30 3:40 am
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Absolutely, and as a Christian you should be.
2011-09-30 3:41 am
Society was always fvcked up from the beginning. Store fights are nothing compared to witch hunts and stonings.
2011-09-30 3:41 am
Its not a spiritual thing dude, its a materialist society we call america. We value money and greed in this country not being good people or valuing love. It has nothing to do with religion, this is a ideology change that must take effect.
2011-09-30 3:43 am
You see, people really are just like other animals
2011-09-30 3:40 am

2011-09-30 3:42 am
The world is sick, and needs the Divine Physician.

+Jesus, I long to be healed by You.
Carry me into Your Mercy!
2011-09-30 3:51 am
"The norm" was never "the average." There will always be stupid people in the world; you can't change that. A lot of them are being encouraged by certain forces in government, in my opinion, who are content to receive votes from the ill-educated members of their party by pandering to their wish for material posessions, and their hatred of anything that they've been told is "un-American" or "unpatriotic." Those individuals have no particular interest in their constituents; they simply manipulate the ill-educated for their own benefit and their own purposes, and what you see in the video is partially the result of people believing that as Americans, they are "entitled" to a certain standard of living, and who will vote for anyone who promises them that standard by telling them who is "to blame" when they don't get it. That particular group rules by fear, and ill-educated people are easily swayed by fear, and are dependent on their "leaders" to tell them what to think and believe, and are taught that anyone who thinks or believes differently is "bad" or "evil" or "un-American."

In short, it's not the society as a whole; it's the ill-educated, extreme right-wing that is causing a large part of the problem, all to feed the greed of a relative few politicians who lack anything resembling a conscience.
2011-09-30 3:50 am
Well lets see, we lead the world in murdering the unborn. We lead the world in producing porn for the moral denigration of young and old alike. We lead the world in the destruction of the marriage institution. We teach our children Godless evolution and deny them any spiritual instruction in school. We've perverted right and wrong to the point that wrong is rewarded more often than right. We give slap on the wrist prison terms for murder and rape and assault. We consume illegal drugs by the tons daily. Our churches are apostate. We elect the worst people to positions of authority.

But other than that, we're okay.
2011-09-30 3:50 am
I've never been in this situation... because:
I don't obsess over crap that people think they need.
I don't go to the store but maybe once a month.
My I.Q. is over 135... That's right, I make my own "stuff" and have no need to buy crap made by child slaves in some foreign country for pennies per day just because it has a logo that represents an ideal that seems to be "Better than everything else".
I am reminded of SHEEP... it is sad.
2011-09-30 3:45 am
I didn't recognize a single atheist in all that mess
2011-09-30 3:44 am
Gee, glad you're so superior to the rest of us...
2011-09-30 3:41 am
Hell I'd punch a lady in the face for a new stereo
2011-09-30 3:55 am
Spiritually speaking and not we as a race (human) have reached a point were we are de-evolving rapidly.
2011-09-30 3:49 am
I'm a SATANIST, and I agree. The moral depravity in this country, and beyond, makes me want to vomit. As far as I'm concerned, it's the Liberal's fault. If we sticked to our old time values and resisted unnecessary changes, maybe our Society would be better.
2011-09-30 3:46 am
American society is sick, but it's the christians who are the problem, infecting us, holding us back, making us weak and stupid. Sheeple. You're not the cure, you're the disease.
2011-09-30 3:45 am
Yes, Missing Link,
Speaking in anyway, society has grown profoundly sick...and I see no end in sight.
But 'We all are crazy..It is just a matter of degree.' -Brewster
2011-09-30 3:45 am
The worst thing is that sick people don't know that they're sick. And even if they know they're sick spiritually, they seek help from the wrong doctors (e.g. false religions, false teachers, self-help...etc...).
2011-09-30 3:45 am
What is normal. the american dream normal. Don't make me laugh, in reality people go though **** life's not perfect but we get by one way or another just because were not living up to some fantasy you have about how life should be doesn't me were doing anything wrong.
2011-09-30 3:44 am
Yes, and that "savior" is a little reason, the end of meaningless nationalism and ethnic pride, as well as religious pride. As long as humans find ways to separate ourselves, conflict will exist. The sooner we realize we are all stuck on this rock and in this together, the better off the world as a whole will be.

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