Why is it that when I get close to someone...?

2011-09-28 10:04 pm
I find something about them that repulses me and then start keeping my distance. I do it about everyone... what's wrong with me!?

回答 (4)

2011-09-28 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It could be that you are scared of getting hurt and you start looking for flaws in that person for an excuse to not be around them much
2011-09-28 10:18 pm
Are you just finding things or are you actually repulsed? Maybe you're just picky?

I was picky too but I found the one for me :) I think his flaws are cute.
2011-09-28 10:18 pm
Well...if this is something that's been the case your whole life, then it's just a matter of attachment style. If you genuinely want to do something about it, you'll need to learn to accept that everyone on the planet is going to have something about them that you really don't like. People are not only not perfect, they're generally riddled with incredibly severe characters flaws that reveal themselves over time. It's hard living with the disillusionment of intimacy and love, unless you're psychotic enough to believe in it.

I dislike intimate relationships, and have an avoidant attachment style. I prefer girls who are like me and appreciate space and the freedom to pursue individual pursuits. We can support each other when in need, mutually, but we have no obligation to get lost in the other person in some psychosis-based relationship. I have never been a particularly social person, and very much prefer doing things on my own. I'm not socially awkward--I can fit in with any crowd if I need to for some time, and I can be witty, and don't have social anxiety--but that doesn't mean I have to like it. This includes my family, to whom I'm not particularly attached, and could honestly do without. The friends I have I wish I didn't because they place demands on me I'm obligated to meet, and I don't turn down social invitations. Still, I prefer solitude over socialization, unless the socialization has a purpose, in which case I'm good at persuasion and argument.

There's nothing "wrong" with you, per se. Human attachment and bonding is a natural human need. In your case, I would think it's about having an image of perfection that you'll never find.
2011-09-28 10:17 pm
Well, it could be that you're a bit of a perfectionist when you're looking for somebody. Nobody is perfect, including yourself and that means that the longer you keep this up, the higher the chances are that it'll come back and burn you later, like when you think you actually have found that one person you can stand and manage to stick around.

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