prefix of ''altercation''

2011-09-28 7:21 am
What is the prefix of the word ''altercation''?
And what is the meaning of that prefix?

回答 (2)

2011-09-28 4:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The prefix of the word ''altercation'' is "alter". Prefix means a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning, such as un- in unhappy
2011-09-28 11:15 pm
In the word 'altercation', 'alter' is not its prefix. The word 'altercation' has no prefix. The word does not have the structure of prefix + root word or prefix + root word + suffix.
''alter' is a Latin base word here. Pls check the website for reference:
4. Latin Base WordsLatin wordMeaningExamples

alter, ALTERother, anotheralternative, altercation, ADULTERATE

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