✔ 最佳答案
Ask a friend to borrow a iPhone to you.
You don't need to change the SIM card.
Whatsapp does not identify your SIM number or IMEI......
1: Open iPhone's App store and pay to install Whatsapp
(This can upgrade your phone number (Your account) to full version, that means you can use 9 more years)
2: Fill in your no. into iphone for confirmation .
3: Receive a SMS by using another SMART phone( featured phone will lead to have 亂碼 problem)
4: Fill that 3 digits number from your SMART PHONE to iPhone for confirmation./
5: After you have done, download a BLACK Marketed Whatsapp to your Tablet. (That means a free .apk file. you may not be able to download it directly in market because your Tablet may be wifi only.)
6: Fill the number into the blank inside the Whatsapp you have installed in your tablet and receive a 3 digits code again from a smart phone.
7: After that enjoy it.
2011-09-30 23:58:05 補充:
If my English can't tell you well the procedure,
welcome to ask again by mailing me.