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2011-09-28 5:44 am

最好用一d比較簡單既英文表達出 謝謝


回答 (4)

2011-09-28 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
My strength is that I always consider others' feelings before mine, however, this is also my weakness, as my friends often say that I should think more about myself too.
參考: me
2011-10-02 9:54 pm

My advantage is that I was envisaged for the others
Everything will be for other people
Disadvantages this is also my, my friends then I you should think for myself
2011-09-30 6:31 am
My advantage is that I was envisaged for the othersEverything will be for other peopleThis is also my shortcomings, my friends always say I you have to think for myself
2011-09-28 8:23 pm
That I am always considerate towards other people is my strength which ironically, is also my weakness. My friends always ask me to think more of myself than for the sake of others.

considerate = always thinking of other people's wishes and feelings (Oxford)

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