I feel as though I want to self destruct...?

2011-09-26 10:57 pm
I want to drink, smoke and just lose myself... I feel so out of it and don't know what to do. What's wrong with me?

回答 (3)

2011-09-26 10:59 pm
Ur probs really bored or depressed. Find sumin to do like football, kickboxing etc.
參考: DONT turn to Call of Duty. Youll become a lazy bum.
2011-09-26 10:58 pm
Go to a doctor or like a therapist, this could be a really serious problem. It's probably your mind telling you to do things you wouldn't normally want to do, try to ignore it and chew gum a lot.
2011-09-26 10:58 pm
Nothing. Really. I think everybody goes through life feeling like that at least once. But then again if you're really young? Maybe that's not that normal.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:48:42
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