Pisces: Do you ever get into a depressive mood that you can never get out of...?

2011-09-26 7:18 pm
and secretly enjoy the misery?

I don't know what's wrong with me... I feel like I'm in a world of my own and just want to retreat.

回答 (3)

2011-09-26 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I feel veeery depressed today too...wondering what's up...
Pisces Mars
2011-09-27 2:21 am
All Pisces is like that- we like wallow in self pity. The way I counter it is I let myself indulge for about a few minutes to a whole evening...and then I go back to reality...

Its how we cope with everyday life..
2011-09-27 2:35 am
go for a swim in the sea

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