Can we agree that our acceptance of homosexuality is due to social changes, normalization of practice:culture?

2011-09-26 4:35 am
Shows like Glee, will and grace, ricky martin, help us

changing values

回答 (9)

2011-09-26 4:46 am
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Things like that can help educate people to some extent. But what really helps is actually knowing people that you know are gay.

What doesn't help is religious bigotry. But someday bigotry against LGBT people will go the way of bigotry against women and people of color; it'll be a long time before it's gone altogether, but it will become less and less "respectable."
2011-09-26 11:41 am
They don't "change" our values. We do that. They can expose us to situations and people that we would ordinarily never get a chance to see, meaning the way they live, their habits and personalities. This can cause us to no longer fear certain races and groups. Groups that when we were less knowledgable about, we judged more harshly. That's not normalization, that's education.
2011-09-26 11:36 am
I think I can agree without hesitation. I'm all for homosexuality but I think without the help of things like media maybe I wouldnt have been so much.
2011-09-26 11:37 am
sooo far away from acceptance and it depresses me everyday
2011-09-26 11:38 am
NO, I will resist, I want our species to continue, not degrade. Already Brazil and a few other only have 1.9 children which is not enough to sustain us.
2011-09-26 1:24 pm
i see it as a dumbing down of christianity in general. the reasons you give come in on the tail of the acceptance of loose morals, fornication, no fault divorce, even though adultery is the top of the list
porn. tv. and movie shows where sex is abundant.
and where the money behind the above can make or break a politician . even in christian schools there is a breakdown occurring . a student was overheard to say that homosexuality was wrong , in a debate , he was suspended .
2011-09-26 11:42 am
I don't judge, so it's not the media that helped me accept it. Actually, seeing gay stuff on tv gives me an uneasy feeling, I think just naturally. I personally take no issue with homosexuality, but I don't like it in my face.
2011-09-26 11:41 am
Moral decadence during End Times.
2011-09-26 11:41 am
The media has made accepting gayness and promoting gayness to be cool. The Illuminati even got Miley Cyrus and Brad Pitt to use their podiums to support the gay agenda. This is because David Geffen is a gay illuminati and he controls Spielberg and Creative Artists Agency. Its a sad conspiracy!

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