electric field urgent~!

2011-09-26 4:59 am


我想問下E field strength 關唔關 V既事?例如細d既 V就會有強d既E field strength?

回答 (1)

2011-09-26 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
The field gradient at S is clearly more gentle than that at R. Hence, the electric field intensity at S is smaller than that at R.

2011-09-25 21:51:27 補充:
Sorry..a typo:
The 1st dentence should read "The potential gradient at S is clearly more gentle than that at R"

2011-09-26 20:09:34 補充:
Q:我想問下E field strength 關唔關 V既事?例如細d既 V就會有強d既E field strength?
A: Electric field is related to potential GRADIENT, i.e. the CHANGE of potential with space.
參考: , gradient

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