
2011-09-25 12:30 am

回答 (3)

2011-10-03 2:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well let me tell you what I know. First you need to know who is 統治ing 全世界 now.
The investment bank are effecting all different countries government decision making. (To control the world, they just need to control the most important important/ richest countries government) The way they do it? (ok, mainly by supporting funding of the main party in the government etc.)

Um.. I think in reality, if you want to 統治全世界 you need to create a new financial system for the world in order to take over and 'win' & cover the traditional capitalism financial system criticism.

you said '要10個字,加字數' to be honest i dun know what u mean at all. 要10個字 or 可以加字數?

Anyway in conclusion:
Do politics in any country can helps you get closer to that stage.. but a easier way is go to UK study & get a normal degree from gd uni and work for investment back in HK. So that you dun have to work a lot but you will be very rich and feel like you are 統治ing全世界

Or if you just want 10個字 as a joke,
關機刷牙上床發夢去。 by Ming12345
good luck :))

2011-10-04 02:37:08 補充:
現實可以是only*美麗的, learn from some 美麗people in yr life. 格瑞bb x
2011-10-04 12:10 am
2011-10-03 9:12 am

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