how can i tell my mom to stop watching over me?

2011-09-24 7:45 am
I am the only child of my parents. I can understand why they get worried. But they take it way too far, to the point where it's ruining my life mentally, physically, and socially.

My mom took off the lock to my bedroom so she always walks in without knocking, when I'm changing cloths, talking on the phone, sleeping, etc.

My mom walks into the bathroom while I'm showering and doesn't think its awkward.
I am a 17 year old female. My mom is obsessively worried and paranoid about me, She doesn't trust me at all and never gives me any privacy.

My mom calls EVERY hour whenever I am out with friends, and my mom always wants to meet them and their parents before I can do anything.

My mom listens into my phone conversations, moved my computer from my room to the living room and canceled the internet. then i got it back.

Everyday my mom calls me right after my dismissal from school, and when I get home to see if I have eaten or not.

When I do my homework, she often just stands right beside me and watches me work on it, It gets pretty awkward and I cannot concentrate.

My mom always listens into my ALL my phone calls and once I've caught her outside my room eavesdropping on me.

My mom placed my computer right next to the TV in the living room so whenever I do homework she can watch me, and whenever I play games she watches me. Whenever I'm on facebook, she watches me. Every time I webcam she watches me.

My mom always asks who everyone is on my facebook because she sees a picture. It gets really awkward especially if something sexual or if she sees a girl (she thinks i am a lesbian)

Usually to avoid her, I sleep whenever shes home and try to do things at night, but recently she started staying up later at night, just watching me and shes always beside me.

When I ask her to stop, she always like whats there to hide, are you hiding something from me?

When I go to sleep my mom checks on me every 2 hours to see if I'm asleep which always annoys me and pisses me off, also it makes it really hard for me to sleep.

My mom is very religious and she is also chinese so she looks up all this feng shui and superstition crap. It restricts me from a lot of things, and I have a strong feeling of guilt on everything I do which is another reason why It bothers me when my mom listens in on me and always looks at my computer screen.

My mom also has a really bad habit of gossiping bad things about me, like I don't do my homework, I'm too irresponsible, I'm always hiding something from her and a lot of bad things to her co-workers and my aunts and uncles.

Seriously there is a lot more, but I don't know what to do, a lot of times she scares me when I turn around and shes watching me, I have zero privacy and my mom always thinks there shouldn't be anything I should hide from her. What can I do?

回答 (6)

2011-09-24 12:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well... I am sure you have tried sitting down and talking to her, so I suggest maybe going to see a close family member for some support with this, maybe ask them to sit down and talk with your mother as it really does seem like you are under some stress from this. She has taken her acts of intrusion of your privacy way too far, and it really does sound unhealthy.
2011-09-24 7:50 am
thats just how mothers are. I'm 18 and my mom constantly tries to baby me and trust me i hate it. But hey that just means she loves you and doesn't want anything to happen to you. Don't worry she'll let up and get off your case in time.
參考: my own experiences
2011-09-24 5:48 pm
Tell your mum to stop - Tell her how it's affecting you. If that fails, move out.
2011-09-24 8:08 am
Sounds like your mom is being very paranoid and insecure about you not being under her
nose all the time. I understand how annoying it can get.

Maybe you could try talking to her in a nice calm way that you don't like her hovering over you so much and that you are okay and not for her to worry so much.
參考: my experience
2016-03-01 10:42 am
I would ask her if we could talk first. I would let her know that her intrusion into what should be a private time for you is becoming quite embarrassing for you. Ask if she could respect your privacy and allow you your space. If talking to her doesn't work then try using the lock on your room door, if no lock is present on that door, than use the bathroom to do the deed. Like when you are in the shower. In the end your mom might just be trying to discourage you from masturbating and wants to make sure your not having intercourse yet. By the way she is correct masturbation is a normal occurrence, nothing to be ashamed of but it's no fun when your interrupted by a parent, or anyone else for that matter, most people prefer privacy for this time of release. I hope this helps.
2013-10-29 5:02 pm
You just say '**** you' and 'piss off' for a couple of times to her.

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