Does this mean i will get an interview?

2011-09-23 11:37 pm
i walked into a gentlemans club to apply, the guy asked me if i was 21 and i showed him my drivers license and he told me he was going to make a copy of it, after he was done he handed it back to me and said the manager will give me a call. I applied on a wednesday evening, now it is friday, i still haven't gotten a call. Why did he need to copy my drivers license if i haven't even had an interview yet?

回答 (2)

2011-09-23 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
sorry to say but u got CONNED.
參考: experience
2011-09-23 11:39 pm
long story short - you shouldnt have given him your driver's license. when he asked for it you should have asked to see the manager

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