Eng一問~reported questions

2011-09-24 3:40 am
我唔識點將佢地變成reported questions,可唔可以教吓我??
1. I asked my mother what will I be
2. Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?
3.I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
4. Will we have rainbow, day after day?
5. They ask their mother what will I be
6. Will I be handsome? Will I be rich?

唔該教吓我啦~Thank you very much~ ^v^

回答 (2)

2011-09-28 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
注意 :
reported questions ( 是把一些問題 記錄下來 ),
所以應將 現在式 便要變更為 過去式,而過去式 便要變更為 過去式完成式;
因為是記錄所以再不可以有問題結構,應將問題結構改為直述式句 子。

I asked my mother what will I beI had asked my mother what I would be. 2.
Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?I asked someone if I would be pretty and rich. 3.
I asked my sweetheart what lies aheadI had asked my sweetheart what lay ahead. 4. Will we have rainbow, day after day?I asked someone if we would have rainbow the next day. 5.
They ask their mothers what will I be?They asked their mothers what they would be. 6.
Will I be handsome? Will I be rich?I asked someone if I would be handsome and rich.
2011-09-24 4:57 am

1. I asked my mother what I would be.

2. If I would be pretty.If I would be rich.

3. I asked my sweetheart what had lied ahead.

4. If we would have rainbow,day after day.

5. They asked their mother what I would be.

6. If I would be handsome.If I would be rich.

2011-09-23 21:05:04 補充:
問題係Wh-word(what,where,who...)同How xxx,
eg.Where is the toilet?
Where the toilet was.

How many book do you have?
How many book I had.

2011-09-23 21:08:37 補充:
問題係Yes/No question,
eg.Do you have any problems?
If I had any problems.

2011-09-23 21:20:57 補充:
問題係過去式,你就轉had + 過去分詞.
eg.What is your name?
What my name was.

Were Peter is English Club?
If Peter had been English Club.

2011-09-23 21:29:58 補充:

eg. Can I go to toilet?
If I could go to toilet.

What club you will join?
What club I would join.

2011-09-23 21:38:37 補充:
同reported speech一樣,
today 轉 that day
yesterday 轉 the day before
tomorrow 轉 the next day/the following day
this 轉 that
last day, last month, last year......last xxx 轉 the day before, the month before, the year before......the xxx before

參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 11:30:55
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