逗號係將一d野既 [註腳] 同佢本文分開. 所以, 首先抽走d註腳, 明白左段落本來想講咩先啦.
New York Times 個篇嗎?
首先, 文中既 Quartet 係四方: 1)the United States, 2) the United Nations, 3) the European Union and 4) Russia
The future of the Quartet could be at risk, [some diplomats suggested,]with the Americans and the Europeans, [close to an agreement,] ready to abandon the other two members and issue a statement by themselves.
The future of the Quartet could be at risk,with the Americans and the Europeans ready to abandon the other two members and issue a statement by themselves.
四方既未來有危機, 因為四方之中既 (1) 和 (3) 已準備飛起 (2) 和 (4) 及發表聯合聲明.
好, 再將個兩截放番落去:
Some diplomats suggested that the future of the Quartet could be at risk.
The Americans and the Europeans are close to an agreement, ready to abandon the other two members and issue a statement by themselves.
即係聲明未發出, 不過 (1) 和 (3) 就快達成協議, 一達成就會出聲明.