中譯英 - 求職信內容

2011-09-23 8:46 pm
中譯英 - 求職信內容 我在空閒時參與了不少義務工作並獲嘉許,亦曾擔任社區中心諮詢委員,為社區的發展提供意見,這些經驗擴闊了我的視野,令我增識不少。 我的工作崗位是活動工作員,職責是協助社工推行活動及處理行政事務,工作範疇包括籌備活動、推廣服務及文書工作等。 另外,「這三年的工作經験給予我…」中,應用This experience or These experience have equipped me with… 謝謝!

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2011-09-24 1:28 am
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中譯英 - 求職信內容

I participated in a lot of voluntary work in my leisure time and earned people's commendation. I was also a member of Advisory Committee in a Community Center to provide advices for the development of the community. This experience has broadened my horizons and much enhanced my knowledge.

I am a activity worker with the duties to assist social workers in carrying out activities and handling administrative affairs. The work scope includes arrangement of activities, promotion services and related clerial work.

另外,「這三年的工作經験給予我…」中,應用This experience or These experience have equipped me with…The word "experience" when means 經驗 is an uncountable noun. So you should use "This experience has equipped me with ..."

Example from Yahoo dictionary:
His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people.他的工作經驗使他能與各種各樣的人打交道。

2011-09-23 17:30:07 補充:
I am an activity worker

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