
2011-09-23 5:21 pm


您好,我是XXX,打算在今年的高考(A LEVEL)以自修生的名義報讀,但自修生的資格需於2012年1月1日前年滿20歲,我於4月30日才滿20,只差4個月。我真的很希望可以報考這次的考試,因為以前已經錯過一次機會,之後我跟我家人都非常看重這次的考試所以我每天有讀書希望可以趕上正常進度然後報讀這一年的考試。但由於本屇高考是最後一年,我真的不可以再放棄了!所以我懇求閣下可以破例一次賜予我一次考試的機會。我定必加倍努力!


To: Mr Tsoi

Good morning sir/Hello.I'm XXX,i'm goin to apply for the A level by 自修生的名義,but the qualifier have to enough 20 years old before 1 jan 2012,and i will be 20 at 30 April 2012,it's 只差 4 months.I really wish that i can join this year exam,cuz i already miss one chance last time/year,and i and my family all are 重視 this time so i study everyday and i hope i can catch the 進度 of the others. But this is the finally year for A level,i can't give up that! So i earnestly request to make a exception to 賜予 me a chance for the exam.I promise i'll work more harder!


回答 (2)

2011-09-23 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To Mr.Tsoi
My name is XXX. I will intended the examination (A LEVEL) in the name of private candidates to enroll in this year.Follow the private candidates need to qualifications required before1st of January.2012 .I will be full on 30th of April 2012. I really hope that can apply this test because I had been missed this test in tlast few years .My family are very value of this exam and want me can catch this test.So I hard reading every day, and then enroll in the normal progress of this year's examination. High Leve examination will be the last one this year, so I really want to join up in this exam and beg you once can let me anopportunity for this examination. I will certainly try my best at this !

Thanks and Sincerely

2011-09-23 16:56:35 補充:
樓下位師兄, 晤緊要 !

最緊要你晤好錯就得啦 !

2011-09-23 17:01:00 補充:
我係大學生, 你係小學生。

2011-09-23 5:49 pm
你會唔會考高考英文呀? 你如果考埋英文你真係要喺你英文寫作下多啲功夫啦

我幫係改咗啦, 希望幫到你啦

Dear Mr Tsoi,

I'm writing to apply for A level as a private candidate. I know that candidates are qualified only if they are 20 years old before 1 Jan 2012. However, I will be 20 on 30 April 2012. I really hope that I can join the exam this year because I have already missed the chance last year. Both my family and I think that this is an important exam. Therefore I will study every day so that I can get good results. As this is the final year of A level, I will not give up! Thus I sincerely hope that I can be an exceptional case although I cannot meet the requirement. I promise I will work extremely hard!

Yours faithfully,
(your signature)
(your full name)

2011-09-23 09:51:23 補充:
第一位回答者啲 grammar 都唔啱嘅
參考: me

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