why the world is so unfair??

2011-09-23 1:05 am
Someone is handsome or beautiful.--->people want to make friend with them more likely-------->they have a happy life.------>easy to get job too.

Someone who has a good commuication skill-----> easier to make friend with other------>happier----->easy to have promotion

someone is ugly---->people do not want to talk to him although he is a nice guy----->depression------>everything cannot do well----->difficult to find job-----> no girlfriend---------> have no life----------->suicide

people like to make friend with a guy who have a lot of friends!!
why?? because he is more likely to make friend with the guy's friends!!
so the guy have 20 friends at junior school,then he may have 20X3=60friend at senior school then at university he has 180 friends

but a guy who has only 2 friends in junior then??
2X1.5=3(senior) 3X1.5=5(University)

conclusion:we may plot a graph no of friends against a handsome/good at communicaton guys,we can see that the no of friends of them is increase exponentially . However,no of friends of a ugly/bad at communication guy decrease exponentially

回答 (1)

2011-09-30 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
我唔擅長交際吹水講笑, 又唔係靚仔, 所以無乜朋友
我地呢D弱勢群體其實可以團結起來, 大家嘗試接受大家做朋友, 因為大家同病相憐比較容易接受明白大家的諗法

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