Christians, why God does not stop the false prophets (e.g. televangelist) from spreading the false doctrines?

2011-09-22 3:36 am

回答 (14)

2011-09-22 3:39 am
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I like Paul Washer's answer: The false preachers are God's judgment upon the people in their pews because they are simply feeding them the lies that their itching ears want to hear in the first place.

Essentially, God has "given them over" to the false preachers.
2011-09-22 10:41 am
Sooo, who gets to decide what's false doctrine?
2011-09-22 10:49 am
hes gonna deal with them later.
2011-09-22 10:38 am
It is all in God's plan. Read the Bible and you will see clearly that in the last days the church will fall away from the faith, and God was right. What these people are demonstrating is that the church has gone apostate.
2011-09-22 10:38 am
They are the true prophets, and giving them all your money will ensure your ticket to heaven. I did it, and now I'm just waiting for my rapture. Any day now.
2011-09-22 7:59 pm
Because he gave us free will to do whatever we want,besides how would God prove his way to be the right way if he didn't let us make any mistakes.
參考: The Bible
2011-09-22 5:05 pm
Your answer is in Matthew 13:24-30 dear.

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares ( Weeds ) :

Jesus said, " When you pull up the weeds, you might also pull up the wheat. Let the weeds and the wheat grow together until the harvest time. At the harvest time He will tell the workers, " First gather the weeds and tie them together to be burned. Then gather the wheat and bring them to My barn. "
2011-09-22 11:08 am
Free will, plain and simple...
2011-09-22 10:38 am
參考: or a trap...
2011-09-22 10:49 am
Who or what exactly is "god" in the first place?

Televangelism is proof that there is no god on so many levels.

There is no free will. Televangelists are sociopaths and the only thing that can stop those crooks is reason and a healthy intolerance for scam artists.

A REAL God would not even create human beings who can scam one another in the first place!
參考: -atheist ex xian
2011-09-22 10:47 am
Because he gave us free will, and he refuses to take that back from us because he loves us.
2011-09-22 10:41 am
God gives us free will and does not interfere.
2011-09-22 10:39 am
he is giving them a chance to repent of their sins

he judges them after death
2011-09-22 10:39 am
That's like asking why he doesn't say "Hey what up, I'm God." Why would He interfere with natural selection and evolution which we so clearly know are 100% facts even though my 2012 Biology book states it's still a theory?
參考: Sarcasm.

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